About two years back, my sister and I found a female stray dog in a market close to our house. Very common looking, she had something very special about her. The love and affection she showed everybody around her, even though she had never met them, was extraordinary. Whenever we went to that market, she would come running to us. Not for food, she didn't care about the food, but just to be with us. If we tried to leave, she would run ahead and try and block our way. She never expected any food or anything from us, only love. We named her Chi Chi (got the name from Friends, the dog Ross and Monica loved in their childhood) and she always came running to us when we used to call her.
But after those few months when we used to meet her at least once a week, we never met her for like a year. Yes, it was selfish on our part because we used to visit that market quite often and used to leave without meeting her. Then after one whole year, we found her again in a different place. She recognized us. With the same name. Though now she looked weak, very weak, with an injured leg. But our love for her or her love for us did not decrease even a bit. Even now, we try and meet her as much as possible. We feed her and then walk around the market while she walks by our side.
This is what I call 'unconditional' love. The love dogs show to humans is the best love ever. Why can't humans be more like dogs? Infact, when you're actually abusing a person by calling them a dog, if I were in their place, I would take it as a compliment. Probably the best compliment ever received.